Thursday, February 5, 2009

From Richard Hamner

I have been thinking about this ever since I got the first E-mail from Laura, and I couldn't think of any wild stories about Jim, so just let this be my input to you for his birthday:

Happy Birthday, Jim!

I am still only 64 and therefore a bit younger than you, so I will defer to your superior wisdom and the experience that comes from age.

I told Leigh and Laura that I couldn't think of any wild stories to tell that would embarrass you in front of your family, so that is my greatest compliment to you! You have always been a straight shooter, and you have always lived life on the high road.

When we elected our class president back in our senior year at THS, we definitely got the best man for the job. We have always looked up to you as our leader, both social and spiritual, and we are thankful that you are in our midst.

I am sitting here looking at your senior picture in the 1962 Annual, and I am once again reminded that you have always embodied the scholar - athlete - gentleman. You have superior accomplishments on the athletic field and in the classroom both, but most of all in our hearts as our friend and mentor and our standard for how to live.

I just have one question: How did you talk someone that good looking into marrying you?

All the best on your birthday!

Love to you,
Richard Hamner, Class of 1962

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